Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Announcement: GID Condemns Recent Threats of Insult to Muslims' Holy Scripture

The Green Interfaith Dialogue Condemns Recent Threats of Insult to Muslims' Holy Scripture
September 7, 2010 ‎

The Green Interfaith Dialogue condemns any probable kind of insults and sacrilege to the ‎Holy Koran, the sacred text of Muslim people, and to the religious and spiritual beliefs of ‎peaceful Muslims worldwide. The recent announcements about possible burning of ‎Korans by a few hardliners in Florida, which has triggered serious protests from the part ‎of the leaders of Abrahamian faiths and other religious and spiritual schools, is against the ‎spirit of peace and harmony amongst nations. ‎

As interfaith supporters of the Green Civil Rights and Freedoms Movement of Iran, we ‎regard any intention of insulting Koran, the Muslims’ sacred text, as an irrational and ‎hate-based megalomania. ‎‏ ‏Such attempts will illegitimately empower the Islamic ‎fundamentalist regimes to wage war and provoke terrorism against other nations, and to internally suppress civil movements, as well as the rational, peaceful interpretations of the ‎religious texts. ‎

Supporters of the Green Interfaith Dialogue

P.S. GID is glad to announce that as of now, Thursday the 9th, the aforementioned pastor has officially cancelled his proposed plans.

1 comment:

  1. President Obama strongly condemned the Florida pastor's plan, who leads a mere 50-member congregation. Mrs. Clinton has called it "disgraceful". However, the government might not be able to step in directly, since ultimately, the pastor's actions would be protected by the freedom of speech.
    Here is a report by BBC:


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